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Building Components

Quality Steel Building Components

All of our steel building components from the anchor bolts up, excluding overhead doors, are included in the price of the building kit. One of the benefits of buying a pre-engineered steel building is that the components are pre-engineered as well: they are cut, welded, and drilled at Simpson Steel Building Company for quick and easy assembly once on-site.

Simpson Steel Building Components

We have a commitment to manufacturing quality building components that are designed to meet the structural requirements of the building. Please note, the safety commitment and job site practices of the erector are beyond our control and include expertise not possessed by the manufacturers.

Simpson Steel Building Company buildings are designed to satisfy all building code requirements. If it is required for obtaining a Building Permit, the appropriate state engineer’s stamp, design calculations, and foundation plans are available for all 50 states and Canada. This should be obtained prior to fabrication. Check with your local building inspector or permit authority for specific requirements.

What Components Are Included in a Metal Building?

We have several options for you to choose from. To view our available steel building components, please click below.

Base Package

Our base building is designed to withstand a 20-lb snow load and 105 mile per hour winds. Additional loading is available by beefing up our framework. The roof carries a UL90 rating which is the highest rating Underwriters Laboratories assigns.

All buildings come with a complete erection manual, easy to read drawings, and anchor bolt plans, making it simple and straightforward to construct your steel building. Buildings can be designed to set on a variety of foundations. All structural members are high strength 57,000 psi steel, cut to length, and pre-punched for easy assembly with either ½” bolts or self-drilling screws. Bolts and screws for the frameworks are supplied by us.

Roof and Wall Panels

All painted roof and wall panels carry a 40-year warranty on the finish against cracking, peeling, fading, or rust through. All panels are pre-cut to length, with very little field cutting required.

Roof Panels

Our roofing panels are 26ga 80,000 psi Galvalume plus, an advanced roofing product in the steel building industry. It is comprised of an acrylic coating applied over aluminized coating, which is then applied over the top of already galvanized steel panel, giving it a shiny aluminum appearance. Painted roof panels are also available at an additional cost.

Wall Panels

Our wall panels are 26ga 80,000 psi painted galvanized steel. They are made up of silicone polyester paint applied over already galvanized steel panels.

Paint Color

Buildings come completely trimmed out in color. There are 15 standard colors for customers to choose from.


We provide a variety of components included with your steel building kit. This includes:

  • Sculptured gable
  • Eave
  • Corner, base, jamb and head trim (trim material is the same as wall panels)
  • Walk door and overhead door openings (including framing and trim)

Accessories such as gutters, downspouts, walkdoors, windows and insulation are also available upon request.

Building Component Definitions

18” RAKE OVERHANG: 18” overhang off of gable end of building. This is an extension of the eave strut and purlin, complete with soffit for end of building.

18” EAVE OVERHANG: 18” overhang off of side of building. This is a separate framing system that attaches to the top chord of the truss to create the overhang. Complete with soffit for one side of building.

7’ LINER PANEL: 29ga. white liner panel, on inside of building. Complete with base girt instead of base angle, includes fasteners and trim.

ANCHOR BOLTS: 5/8” x 14” bolts used to anchor structure to the concrete. These are typically referred to as a J-Bolt. In most cases are placed in the concrete as it is poured using a template for placement, they can also be drilled in and expansion anchors used.  Anchor bolts are considered part of the concrete and are therefore not included in our kits.

ANCHOR BOLT PLAN: A detailed bolt setting plan furnished by SSBC with every building. It tells the exact location and size of bolts to be used for each building.

BASE ANGLE: A 4”x2” angle secured to the floor or foundation used to secure the bottom of the wall panels. Attach to slab with concrete fasteners or expansion anchors 24 inches on center.

BASE CLIP: An angle clip (BC-6) attached to the bottom of a column or overhead door jamb and then anchored to the concrete using the anchor bolts.

BASE GIRT:This is to be used when a building is to be placed on piers or when using a liner panel, instead of a perimeter foundation or slab. It substitutes a base girt in place of base angle.

BASE TRIM: Used to seal off the bottom of the wall panel. This trim goes behind the wall panel, extends under the panel, attaches to the base angle or base girt and seals off the bottom of the sheet.

BAY: The space between the trusses measured normally from column to column. (Example; a 60’ building would have 3x 20’ bays).

‘C’ SECTION: A cold formed member rolled from a sheet of steel in the shape of a ‘C’. In the steel truss design, the columns, rafters, jambs and headers are normally a ‘C’ shape.

CLIP: A plate or angle used to fasten two or more framing members together.

COLUMN: A main member used in a vertical position on a building to transfer loads from beams, trusses or rafters to the foundation.

DOWNSPOUT: The conduit used to carry water from the gutter of a building to the ground.

EAVE: The line along the top of the sidewall formed by the intersection of the roof and wall sheets.

EAVE HEIGHT: The vertical dimension from finish floor to the top of the eave strut.

EAVE STRUT: A structural member, usually ‘C’ shape, that is bolted on top of the B-1 and B-2 rafters on the outer edges of the building.


ERECTION DRAWINGS: The framing plans supplied by Simpson Steel Buildings.

FLANGE BRACE: A member used to provide lateral support to the flange of a structural member.

FRAMED OPENING: Framing members which surround an opening.

GABLE: The triangular portion of the end wall from the level of the eave to the ridge of the roof.

GIRT: A horizontal structural member that is attached to sidewall or end wall columns and supports sheeting.

HEADER: The horizontal framing member located at the top of a framed opening.

JAMB: The vertical framing members located at the sides of an opening

LEAN-TO: A structure having only one slope and depending upon another structure for partial support

MASTIC: 3/8” X 3/32” tape sealant used to seal side laps on roof sheets and ridge caps. Comes in 45’ rolls.

PANELS: Typically, 26ga. 80,000 psi for roof and walls

PEAK SIGN: A sign attached to the peak of the building showing the building manufacturer

PIER: A concrete structure designed to transfer vertical load from the base of a column to the footing.

PITCH: The peak height of a gabled building divided by its overall span

PURLIN: A horizontal structural member which supports roof covering

RAFTER: The main beam supporting the roof system

RAKE: The intersection of the plane of the roof and the plane of the end wall

RAKE ANGL: Angle fastened to purlins at rake for attachment of end wall panels.

RAKE TRIM: A flashing designed to close the opening between the roof and end wall panels

RIB: The longitudinal raised profile of a panel that provides much of the panels bending strength.

RIDGE: The horizontal line formed by opposing sloping sides of a roof running parallel with the building length.

RIDGE CAP: A transition of the roofing materials along the ridge of a roof; sometimes called ridge roll or ridge flashing.

ROOF SNOW LOAD: The load induced by the weight of snow on the roof of the structure. Usually obtained by taking a fraction of the “ground snow load.”

SELF-DRILLING SCREW: A fastener which combines the functions of drilling and tapping.

SIDEWALL: An exterior wall which is perpendicular to the frames of a building system.

SOFFIT: A material which covers the underside of an overhang.

STEEL TRUSS: A structure made up of 7 members, with each member designed to carry a tension or compression force. Simpson Steel Building Company has the patent on the steel truss design we use.

TRANSLUCENT PANELS: Panels used to admit light.

TRIM: The light gage metal used in the finish of a building, especially around openings and at intersections of surfaces. Often referred to as flashing.

WAINSCOT: Wall material, used in the lower portion of a wall, that is usually a different color from the material used in the rest of the wall.

WIND LOAD: The load caused by wind force from any horizontal direction.

Z PURLIN: A member cold formed from steel in the shape of a ‘Z’.

Contact the Steel Building Professionals

At Simpson Steel Building Company, we want each structure to be a success, which is why our team is available to advise on any questions you may have regarding our metal building kits. To get started on your next project, please request a steel truss quote, rigid frame quote, or mini storage quote today.

1117 Solitude Drive Van Buren, AR 72956